I am a Web Developer with enthusiasm and focus on Full Stack Development and Scripting. I am passionate about building scalable software, creating effective solutions, and learning every day to grow professionally in the IT field.
Interested in the entire full stack development, and working on the ambitious projects with positive people.
View ResumeBackground Generator is a simple javascript based project which allows you to generate the gradient backgrounds.
It also shows the linear-gradient style property for styling which is used to generate gradient backgrounds for websites.
Robofriends is a react based app which allows you to search robots present in it.
A full-stack web application using the (MERN) Stack, this app allows you to identify the detection of faces in any image supplied. This was achieved via Clarifai's artificial intelligence API.
I used React, Node, Express.js and PostgreSQL in order to create this web application.
Weather Forcast is a react based app which shows the 24 hours weather climatic details of a particular location.
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